SPC-QC-106 Module

5 Channel TCSPC-FLIM Module / 6 Channel Time-Tagger Module

  • Five Parallel TCSPC / FLIM Channels + One Sync / Reference Channel or Six Parallel Absolute Timing Channels
  • Time Channel Width Down to 4 ps
  • IRF Width < 38 ps FWHM
  • Typical Timing Jitter 17 ps RMS
  • Excellent Timing Stability: Timing Drift over 10 Minutes <5 ps RMS
  • Low Dead Time
  • Adjustable SYNC Delay ± 128 ns
  • High Peak Count Rate, up to 120 MHz 
  • Parallel FLIM in up to Five Detection Channels
  • Fast-Acquisition FLIM
  • Recording of Fluorescence Decay and Other Optical Waveforms
  • Multi-Wavelength Detection of Fluorescence Decay and FLIM Data
  • Photon Time- and Parameter Tagging
  • Photon Correlation Down to the ps Range
  • Free Instrument Software for Windows 10 / 11
  • Custom Programming with bhPy


General Information

The SPC-QC-106 TCSPC / FLIM module has three parallel TCSPC / FLIM channels with a common reference channel on a single PCI-express board. Alternatively, the module can be operated with four absolute photon timing channels. The module features high temporal and spatial resolution, high peak count rate, and extraordinarily high timing stability. The SPC-QC-106 offers the usual modes for recording temporal waveforms of optical signals, sequential recording multi-wavelength recording, time- and parameter-tag recording, FLIM, spatial and temporal mosaic FLIM, triggered accumulation of fast time series of curves and images, and simultaneous FLIM / PLIM. 

Measurement Software Included

The SPCM operating and measurement software is included with all SPC series modules. SPCM provides online calculation and display (2D, 3D) of data (decay curves, FCS, FCCS) acquired in multiple operation modes. SPCM software undergoes active continuous development. SPCM receives frequent updates with new features and bug fixes. Read more…

For fast online video FLIM streaming, please use ExpressFLIM as acquisition software.

FLIM and FCS Data Analysis

For advanced fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and single-curve data analysis, please use SPCImage NG.
For advanced visualisation and analysis of dynamic effects, please use SPCDynamics.

Custom Programming Libraries (DLL, LabVIEW)

For automation and custom software integration, DLLs and LabVIEW drivers are available. Read more…


Photon Channel



Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFDs)

Discriminator Input Bandwidth

4 GHz

Optimum Input Voltage Range

-30 mV to -500 mV

Min. Input Pulse Width

200 ps


0 to -250 mV

Zero Cross Adjust

-100 mV to 100 mV

Syncronisation Channel



Constant Fraction Discriminator (CFD)

Discriminator Input Bandwidth

4 GHz

Optimum Input Voltage Range

-30 mV to -500 mV

Min. Input Pulse Width

200 ps


0 to -250 mV

Zero Cross Adjust

-100 mV to 100 mV

Adjustable Delay

±128 ns

Frequency Range

0 to 120 MHz

Frequency Divider

1 – 2 - 4

Time-Measurement Circuitry



Time-to-Digital Converter


< 38 ps

RMS Timing Jitter

17 ps

Time Range, at 4096 Time Channels

16 ns to 68 µs

Min. Time / Channel

4 ps

Timing Stability, Range 16 ns, over 10 min

< 5 ps RMS

Diff. Nonlinearity

< 1 % RMS

Dead Time

8 ns

Data Acquisition

Histogram Modes


on-board multi-dim. histogramming process

Peak Count Rate, Each Channel

120 MHz

Saturated Count Rate, Continuous

40 MHz

Max. Counts / Time Channel (Counting Depth)

216 - 1

Max. No. Of Time Channels


Min. Time Channel Width

4 ps

Overflow Control

none, stop, repeat and correct

Collection Time

0.1 µs to 100,000 s

Display Interval Time

10 ms to 100,000 s

Repeat Time

0.1 µs to 100,000 s

Synchronisation with Scanning (Scan Sync IN Mode

Pixel, line and frame clocks from scanning device


4 bit, TTL

Count Enable

1 bit, TTL

Experiment Trigger


Data Acquisition

FIFO / Parameter-Tag Mode and Absolute-Time Mode


Parameter-tagging of individual photons, continuous writing to disk

Online Display

Decay functions, FCS, Cross-FCS, PCH MCS Traces

FCS Calculation

Multi-tau algorithm, online calculation and online fit

Number of Counts of Decay/ Waveform Recording


Peak Count Rate

120 MHz

Sustained Count Rate (Bus-Transfer Limit)

40 MHz

Max. Counts / Time Channel (Counting Depth)


Max. No. of Time Channels


On-board FIFO Buffer Capacity (Photons, per Channel)


Macro Timer Resolution, Internal Clock

2 ns, overflows marked by MOTF entry in data stream

Micro Time Resolution / Min. Time Channel Width

4 ps


4 bit, TTL/CMOS

External Event Marker

4 bit, TTL/CMOS

Experiment Trigger


Data Acquisition

FIFO Imaging


Buildup of images from time- and wavelength tagged data

Min. Time Channel Width

4 ps

Online Display

Intensity images or lifetime images, simultaneous FLIM / PLIM, decay curves in regions of interest

Synchronisation with Scanner

via frame clock, line clock, and pixel clock pulses

Routing / Wavelength / Laser-Multiplexing Channels

1 to 16

Image Format, 1 Image per Channel

No. of Time Channels





No. of Pixels

4096 x 4096

2048 x 2048

1024 x 1024

512 x 512

Operation Environment


Operating System

Windows 10, Windows 11

Bus Connector (Slot Type)


Total Power Consumption

approx. 12 W from +12 V


205 mm x 120 mm x 18 mm



The bh TCSPC Handbook
10th edition, September 2023


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