bh’s new SPC-150NXX TCSPC module targets high-resolution applications with utra-fast detectors. The internal timing jitter is < 1.1 ps RMS, the electrical IRF width is < 3 ps FWHM. Minimum time-channel width is 203 fs. Please see SPC-150NXX data sheet. With a single-nanowire superconducting NbN detector the module has achieved an overall system IRF of 4.4 ps FWHM, please see application note. In addition to the short IRF the SPC-150NXX has an extraordinarily high IRF stability. For a series of IRFs recorded over 100 seconds, the variance in the IRF centroid is < 0.4 ps. The SPC-150NXX offers the full set of functions of the bh SPC-150 family. There are internal-histogramming modes and parameter-tag modes, sequential recording modes, FLIM, FCS, spatial and temporal mosaic FLIM, and simultaneous FLIM-PLIM. The modules come with bh’s SPCM data acquisition software. For data analysis bh’s SPCImage software is available.
For details please see The bh TCSPC Handbook.