Two-Photon Metabolic FLIM with the Coherent Axon 780 Fibre Laser
Fast GPU-Based Global Fit of TCSPC FLIM Data
Metabolic FLIM with Simultaneous pH Imaging
High Resolution Z-Stack FLIM with the Becker & Hickl DCS-120 Confocal FLIM System
Two-Photon FLIM System with a Small Femtosecond Fibre Laser
SPC-QC-104: Precision FLIM and Fast FLIM in One
High-Resolution LIDAR with the SPC-QC-104
Measurement of Membrane Potentials in Cells by TCSPC FLIM
Double-Exponential FLIM-FRET Approach is Free of Calibration
A Common Mistake in Lifetime-Based FRET Measurement
High-Resolution Multiphoton FLIM Reveals Ultra-Fast Fluorescence Decay in Human Hair
Suppression of Lens Fluorescence in FLIO Images of Cataract Patients
8.7 ps FWHM IRF Width from Ultrafast SPAD
Label-Free Multiphoton FLIM of Moving Bacteria
Metabolic FLIM of Macroscopic Objects
Ultra-Fast Fluorescence Decay in Malignant Melanoma
Ultra-Fast Fluorescence Decay in Natural Carotenoids
Ultra-Fast Fluorescence Decay in Scottish Whisky
FLIM at a Time-Channel Width of 300 Femtoseconds
A Differential Discriminator for bh TCSPC Modules
DCS-120 FLIM System Detects FMN in Live Cells
Lifetime-Intensity Mode Delivers Better FLIM Images
273 ps FWHM TCSPC Response with Hamamatsu H15620 NIR PMT
Two-Photon FLIM of Pollen Grains Reveals Ultra-Fast Decay Component
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO)
High-Resolution Measurement of NADH and FAD Fluorescence Decay with the DCS-120 MP
Two-Photon FLIM of Mushroom Spores Reveals Ultra-Fast Decay Component
FLIM with Excitation-Wavelength Multiplexing
Two-Photon FLIM with a Femtosecond Fibre Laser
Influence of Magnetic Fields on the IRF of High-Speed Detectors for TCSPC
Precision Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging of a Moving Object
FLIO Data Acquisition and Analysis – The Road to Success
Shifted-Component Model Improves FLIO Data Analysis
4.4 ps IRF width of TCSPC with an NbN Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector
Software-Integrated FLIM for Nikon A1+ Confocals
Metabolic Imaging with the DCS-120 Confocal FLIM System: Simultaneous FLIM of NAD(P)H and FAD
TCSPC System Records FLIM of a Rotating Object
New SPCM Version 9.78 Comes With New Software Functions
Fast-Acquisition Multiphoton FLIM with the Zeiss LSM 880 NLO
Fast-Acquisition TCSPC FLIM: What are the Options?
Fast-Acquisition TCSPC FLIM System with sub-25 ps IRF Width
DCS-120 FLIM System Records X-Y Mosaics
Ultra-fast HPM Detectors Improve NAD(P)H FLIM
Sub-20ps IRF Width from Hybrid Detectors and MCP-PMTs
New SPCImage Version Combines Time-Domain Analysis with Phasor Plot
Wide-Field TCSPC FLIM with bh SPC-150N TCSPC System and Photek FGN 392-1000 Detector
bh TCSPC Systems Record FLIM with Sutter MOM Microscopes
SPC Modules Record FLIM with Bidirectional Scanning
SPCM Software Runs Online-FLIM at 10 Images per Second
bh – Abberior Combination Records STED FLIM at Megapixel Resolution
Online STED FLIM with bh – Abberior Combination
Simultaneous Phosphorescence and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging by Multi-Dimensional TCSPC and Multi-Pulse Excitation
World Record in TCSPC Time Resolution: Combination of bh SPC-150NX with SCONTEL NbN Detector yields 17.8 ps FWHM
80 ps FHWM Instrument Response with ID230 InGaAs SPAD and SPC-150 TCSPC Module
DCS-120 MP System Records Multiphoton FLIM and PLIM
The PZ-FLIM-110 Piezo-Scanning FLIM System
bh FLIM Systems Record Calcium Transients in Live Neurons
TCSPC Fibre-Probe System with an Exchangeable Tip
Implantable Fibre-Optical Fluorescence-Lifetime Detection System for in-vivo Applications
NSOM FLIM with the Nanonics AFM/NSOM System
An AFM/NSOM System with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
Zeiss BiG-2 GaAsP Detector is Compatible with bh FLIM Systems
Mosaic FLIM: New Dimensions in Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
FLIM and FCS by Pulse-Interleaved Excitation with the Zeiss LSM 710/780 Intune System
Multiphoton NDD FLIM at NIR Detection Wavelengths with the Zeiss LSM 7MP and OPO Excitation
SPC-160 Delivers Linear Intensities in High Count Rate FLIM Applications
Multiphoton FLIM with the Leica HyD RLD Detectors
Megapixel FLIM with bh TCSPC Modules – The New SPCM 64-bit Software
TCSPC at Wavelengths from 900 nm to 1700 nm
DCS-120 Confocal Scanning System: FLIM with NIR Dyes
DCS-120 Confocal Scanning FLIM System: Two-Photon Excitation with Non-Descanned Detection
Combined Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM / PLIM) with the Zeiss LSM 710 NLO Microscopes
Spatially Resolved Recording of Fluorescence-Lifetime Transients by Line- Scanning TCSPC
DCS-120 Confocal FLIM System with Wideband Beamsplitter
FLIM of Macroscopic Objects: Imaging in the Primary Image Plane of the DCS-120 Scanner
Microsecond Decay FLIM: Combined Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Lifetime Imaging
Multiphoton Multiwavelength NDD FLIM with Zeiss LSM 710 NLO
Non-Descanned FLIM Detection in Multiphoton Microscopes
The HPM-100-50 Hybrid Detector: Increased Dynamic Range for DOT
An 8-Channel Parallel Multispectral TCSPC FLIM System
Tuneable Excitation FLIM with the LSM 710 Intune System
Recording Z Scans with the DCS-120 Confocal Scanning FLIM System
FLIM Systems for Zeiss LSM 710 Record Z Stacks
The HPM-100-40 Hybrid Detector
Recording the Instrument Response Function of a Multiphoton FLIM System
Non-Descanned FLIM Systems for Olympus FV-1000 and FV-300 Multiphoton Microscopes
bh FLIM Systems for Nikon C1 Scanners
Make Life Easier by Using Modern Features of the SPCM Software
NDD FLIM Systems for Leica SP2 MP and SP5 MP Multiphoton Microscopes
Time-Tag Recording: A New Old Feature of the bh SPC Cards
FLIM in the FIFO Imaging Mode: Large Images with Small TCSPC Modules
Timing Stability of TCSPC Experiments
Recording the Kautsky Effect by Fluorescence Lifetime Detection
Two-Photon Fluorescence Excitation by Picosecond Diode Lasers
Detectors for High-Speed Photon Counting
Setting up High Gain Detector Electronics for TCSPC
How (and why not) to Amplify PMT Signals
The Event Mode of the PMS-300 Multiscaler