The bh TCSPC FLIM systems are able to record fluorescence lifetime images of a moving object. The technique is based on temporal-mosaic recording and image segmentation by the phasor plot of bh SPCImage NG data analysis software, please see bh TCSPC Handbook, 8th ed. (2019). A cluster of phasors is selected in the phasor space, identifying pixels of a given decay signature in the FLIM mosaic. These pixels are back-annotated in the mosaic, selecting details of the object irrespectively of their location in the individual images. The decay data of the pixels within the selected areas are summed up. The result is a single decay curve of the detail of interest with extremely high pixel number. This curve can be analysed at high precision. For details please see application note Precision Fluorescence-Lifetime Imaging of a Moving Object.
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