Compact 32-Channel TCSPC SystemNEW

Up to 32 TCSPC Channels in One Computer


  • Up to 32 Fully Parallel TCSPC / Time Tagger Channels
  • Channels Similar to Those of SPC-QC-008
  • Ultra-High Count Rate
  • Fast Discriminators
  • Ultra-Fast Readout
  • IRF Width 38 ps, FWHM
  • Timing Jitter 14 ps RMS


The new SPC-QC-08-32 module runs 32 fast time-tagger channels or 28 TCSPC FLIM channels in a single standard PC. The individual channels have <14 ps RMS timing jitter, 1 ps minimum time-channel width, and 500 MHz peak count rate. Similar to the SPC-QC-008, the device features high timing stability, high throughput, compact size, and low cost per channel. Applications are quantum computing, photon correlation, time-domain diffuse optical tomography, and high-throughput FLIM. It works with all single-photon detectors, including hybrid detectors, SPADs, SIPMs, and SSPDs.

User-friendly device software allows for setup of measurement parameters, loading and saving of setup and measurement data, online display of results, and system optimisation. A LabVIEW library is available for user-specific programming of measurement software.


Photon Channels


Fast Threshold Discriminator

Discriminator Input Bandwidth

4 GHz

Min. Input Pulse Width

1 ns

Discriminator Threshold

-500 to 500 mV in Steps of 4 mV

Maximum Pulsed (<1 ms) Input Voltage Range

-5.5 V to +5.5 V

Maximum DC Input Voltage Range

-3.3 V to +3.3 V

Frequency Range

0 to 500 MHz

Input Connectors

SMC, 50 Ohm

Synchronisation Channel / External Clock

Each of the Photon Channels can be used as a timing-reference input or as an external clock input

Time-Measurement Circuitry


Time-to-Digital Converter

IRF Width, FWHM, Photon vs. Sync Channel

<40 ps

Typical RMS Timing Jitter, Photon vs. Sync Channel

14 ps

Min. Time / Bin

1 ps

Timing Stability, Range 16 ns, over 10 Minutes

<5 ps RMS

Diff. Nonlinearity

<2 % RMS

Dead Time

2 ns

Time-Tagger (Absolute-Time) Mode


Parameter-Tagging of Individual Photons, Continuous Writing to Disk

Peak Count Rate

500 MHz / Channel

Peak-Rate Buffer Capacity (Photons / Channel)


Sustained Count Rate (Bus-Transfer Limited)

140 MHz, All Channels Combined

On-Board FIFO Buffer Capacity (Photons Combined)


Optical-Waveform Recording

No. of Time Bins

1 to 10 M

Time / Bin

1 ps to 65,536 ps

Time Range

1 ps to 640 ms

Sync Channel

Selectable, Channel 1 to 8

Optional External Trigger

Channel 8

Correlation Mode

No. of Time Bins

1 to 10 M

Time / Bin

1 ps to 1 s

Time Range

1 ps to 1 s

Multiscaler Mode

No. of Time Bins

1 to 10 M

Time / Bin

1 ps to 4 * 106 s

Time Range

100 ns to 4 * 106 s

Display Functions

Online Display

Count Rates, Multiscaler Optical Waveform / Decay Function, Auto Correlation, Cross-Correlation

Operation Environment


Operating System

Standard PC, Windows 10 / 11

Bus Connector (Slot Type)

4 x PCIe

Power Consumption

approx. 48 W


165 mm x 110 mm x 20 mm



The bh TCSPC Handbook
10th edition, September 2023


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