The bh SPC-180-NXX TCSPC / FLIM modules feature ultra-high time resolution and ultra-high timing stability. The IRF width with HPM-100-06 detectors is about 20 ps FWHM, decay data can be resolved into 4096 time channels with a minimum channel width of 202 femtoseconds.
We have recently shown that the fluorescence decay functions of biological material can feature extremely fast decay components. With the commonly used time-channel width of a few picoseconds such components are difficult to determine or even remain hidden in the temporal response of the detector. However, using a time-channel width of 300 femtoseconds, we are able to reliably resolve decay components with lifetimes of less than 10 ps in FLIM data. For details please see application note ‘ FLIM at a Time-Channel Width of 300 Femtoseconds‘.