- Featuring PMS-800 Card with Up to 4 Input Channels, 4 Gates, 800 MHz Peak Input Rate
- Count Rate Display for All Channels
- 3 Real-Time Analysis Modes: Multiscaler, Triggered Accumulation, Event Threshold
- Data Export to CSV, SDT (SPCImage Compatible), Raw Binary
The BH-PMS800 software is designed to control the PMS-800 multiscaler module and to record and analyse its pulse data. The module is geared towards high pulse rate applications. By employing up to 16 logical CPU cores, the BH-PMS800 software is capable of processing data for the extraordinarily high pulse rate, available at the PMS-800.
Analysis features range from simple multiscaler sweeps to triggered time difference measurements, typically for TCSPC applications. Graph displays, measurement times and gate settings are highly customizable and allow the user to adapt them perfectly to their analysis needs.
For further processing, both raw pulse streams and processed data can be exported in various formats such as human readable CSV and SDT-files formatted for SPCImage import.