- Control of Detectors and Lasers of TCSPC systems
- Overload Protection of Detectors
- PCI Version
- +12 V, +5 V and -5 V Power Supply for Preamps and Detectors
- Operation of Thermoelectric Coolers
- High-Voltage Control for Hamamatsu R3809U MCP PMT
- High Current Digital Outputs for Shutter and Filter Control
- Software for Windows 10/11
- Integrated in SPCM TCSPC Instrument Software
- Works with All bh Photon Counting Cards
The bh DCC-100 modules are used to control detectors and lasers in conjunction with bh photon counters. The DCC provides power supply to two detectors and controls their gain via the PMT operating voltages. In conjunction with bh detectors or bh preamplifiers, it provides overload shutdown of the detectors. Furthermore, the DCC delivers the current for thermoelectric coolers, e.g. for the Hamamatsu H7422 and the bh PMC-150 and cooled HPM-100 modules. Moreover, the DCC has high-current digital outputs for controlling shutters or actuators. The DCC can also be used to control the output power of two bh BDL-SMN or BDS-SM picosecond diode lasers. The operation of the DCC is integrated in the SPCM data acquisition and system control software. Due to its versatility the DCC modules are part of almost any bh TCSPC system.
Application Notes
- The HPM-100-40 Hybrid Detector
- The HPM-100-50 Hybrid Detector: Increased Dynamic Range for DOT
- Multiphoton NDD FLIM at NIR Detection Wavelengths with the Zeiss LSM 7MP and OPO Excitation
- An AFM/NSOM System with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
- NSOM FLIM with the Nanonics AFM/NSOM System
- Implantable Fibre-Optical Fluorescence-Lifetime Detection System for in-vivo Applications
- The PZ-FLIM-110 Piezo-Scanning FLIM System
- Sub-20ps IRF Width from Hybrid Detectors and MCP-PMTs
- Ultra-fast HPM Detectors Improve NAD(P)H FLIM
- TCSPC System Records FLIM of a Rotating Object