- Complete Multiphoton FLIM Systems, Including Microscope and Laser
- Multiphoton FLIM Upgrades for Existing Conventional Microscopes
- Excitation by Ti:Sa or Femtosecond Fibre Laser
- Combined Multiphoton / Confocal Systems Available
- Laser Control Integrated in System Software
- Excitation Wavelengths from 650 nm to 1200 nm
- Scanning by Fast Galvanometer Mirrors
- Two Non-Descanned Detection Channels
- Channel Separation by Dichroic or Polarising Beamsplitters
- Recording by bh's Multidimensional TCSPC Process
- Two Fully Parallel TCSPC FLIM Channels
- Time Channel Width Down to 203 fs
- Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Sensitive Detectors
- Unprecedented Time Resolution
- Detection of Lifetimes <10 ps
- Near-Ideal Photon Efficiency
- Excellent Lifetime Reprodicibility
- Fast Online-FLIM
- Megapixel FLIM, 2048 x 2048 Pixels
- Precision FLIM, 4096 Time Channels
- Mosaic FLIM
- Z-Stack FLIM
- Accumulation of Fast Time-Series
- Multi-Wavelength FLIM
- Simultaneous FLIM / PLIM
- Integrated Motorized Sample Stage
- Data Analysis by bh SPCImage NG
- Ultra-Fast Processing by GPU
- Combination of Time-Domain Analysis and Phasor Plot
- Image Segmentation by Phasor Plot or 2D Histograms
- MLE Fit of Decay Curves
- Automatic IRF Modelling
- No Need to Record IRF
The DCS-120 MP system uses multiphoton excitation by femtosecond laser pulses, fast scanning by galvanometer mirrors, confocal detection, and FLIM by bh’s multidimensional TCSPC technique. It records fluorescence lifetime images at unprecedented temporal resolution, unprecedented reproducibility, high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, and near-ideal photon efficiency. Fluorescence lifetimes can be detected down to 10 ps; the decay data can be resolved into 4096 time channels of down to 203 fs width. The pixel format can be increased to 2048 x 2048.
To make use of the high penetration depth of multiphoton excitation the DCS-120 MP used non-descanned detection. The MP system is available with inverted microscopes of Nikon, Zeiss, and Olympus. Due to its fast beam scanning and its high sensitivity the DCS-120 system is compatible with live-cell imaging. DCS-120 functions include simultaneous recording of FLIM or steady-state fluorescence images simultaneously in two fully parallel wavelength channels, laser wavelength multiplexing, time-series FLIM, time-series recording, Z-Stack FLIM, phosphorescence lifetime imaging (PLIM), fluorescence lifetime-transient scanning (FLITS) and FCS recording. Applications focus on lifetime variations by interactions of fluorophores with their molecular environment. Typical applications are ion concentration measurement, FRET experiments, metabolic imaging, imaging of fast physiological effects, and plant physiology.
DCS-120 MP Multiphoton FLIM systems are available with titanium-sapphire lasers and with femtosecond fiber lasers. The two versions are shown in the figure below, left and right. Ti:Sa-laser systems have the advantage of tuneability and high laser power. The high power allows the use of an AOM (acousto-optical modulator) for software-controlled intensity regulation, fast beam blanking, and pixel-synchonous ON / OFF modulation for simultaneous FLIM / PLIM. Fiber-laser systems, on the other hand, are compact, easy to use, and virtually maintanance-free. On the negative side, the wavelength is fixed to typically 780 nm. However, the lack of tuneability is less of a problem than commonly believed: The two-photon-absorption bands of most fluorophores are broad enough to excite them at this wavelength. Moreover, 780 nm is an excellent wavelength to excite NADH. Fiber laser systems therefore make almost ideal multiphoton metabolic-FLIM systems.