DCS-120 MP Multiphoton FLIM System

Multiphoton Laser Scanning FLIM Microscope

  • Complete Multiphoton FLIM Systems, Including Microscope and Laser
  • Multiphoton FLIM Upgrades for Existing Conventional Microscopes
  • Excitation by Ti:Sa or Femtosecond Fibre Laser
  • Combined Multiphoton / Confocal Systems Available
  • Laser Control Integrated in System Software
  • Excitation Wavelengths from 650 nm to 1200 nm
  • Scanning by Fast Galvanometer Mirrors
  • Two Non-Descanned Detection Channels
  • Channel Separation by Dichroic or Polarising Beamsplitters
  • Recording by bh's Multidimensional TCSPC Process
  • Two Fully Parallel TCSPC FLIM Channels
  • Time Channel Width Down to 203 fs
  • Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Sensitive Detectors
  • Unprecedented Time Resolution
  • Detection of Lifetimes <10 ps
  • Near-Ideal Photon Efficiency
  • Excellent Lifetime Reprodicibility
  • Fast Online-FLIM
  • Megapixel FLIM, 2048 x 2048 Pixels
  • Precision FLIM, 4096 Time Channels
  • Mosaic FLIM
  • Z-Stack FLIM
  • Accumulation of Fast Time-Series
  • Multi-Wavelength FLIM
  • Simultaneous FLIM / PLIM
  • Integrated Motorized Sample Stage
  • Data Analysis by bh SPCImage NG
  • Ultra-Fast Processing by GPU
  • Combination of Time-Domain Analysis and Phasor Plot
  • Image Segmentation by Phasor Plot or 2D Histograms
  • MLE Fit of Decay Curves
  • Automatic IRF Modelling
  • No Need to Record IRF


The DCS-120 MP system uses multiphoton excitation by femtosecond laser pulses, fast scanning by galvanometer mirrors, confocal detection, and FLIM by bh’s multidimensional TCSPC technique. It records fluorescence lifetime images at unprecedented temporal resolution, unprecedented reproducibility, high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, and near-ideal photon efficiency. Fluorescence lifetimes can be detected down to 10 ps; the decay data can be resolved into 4096 time channels of down to 203 fs width. The pixel format can be increased to 2048 x 2048.

To make use of the high penetration depth of multiphoton excitation the DCS-120 MP used non-descanned detection.  The MP system is available with inverted microscopes of Nikon, Zeiss, and Olympus. Due to its fast beam scanning and its high sensitivity the DCS-120 system is compatible with live-cell imaging. DCS-120 functions include simultaneous recording of FLIM or steady-state fluorescence images simultaneously in two fully parallel wavelength channels, laser wavelength multiplexing, time-series FLIM, time-series recording, Z-Stack FLIM, phosphorescence lifetime imaging (PLIM), fluorescence lifetime-transient scanning (FLITS) and FCS recording. Applications focus on lifetime variations by interactions of fluorophores with their molecular environment. Typical applications are ion concentration measurement, FRET experiments, metabolic imaging, imaging of fast physiological effects, and plant physiology.

DCS-120 MP Multiphoton FLIM systems are available with titanium-sapphire lasers and with femtosecond fiber lasers. The two versions are shown in the figure below, left and right. Ti:Sa-laser systems have the advantage of tuneability and high laser power. The high power allows the use of an AOM (acousto-optical modulator) for software-controlled intensity regulation, fast beam blanking, and pixel-synchonous ON / OFF modulation for simultaneous FLIM / PLIM. Fiber-laser systems, on the other hand, are compact, easy to use, and virtually maintanance-free. On the negative side, the wavelength is fixed to typically 780 nm. However, the lack of tuneability is less of a problem than commonly believed: The two-photon-absorption bands of most fluorophores are broad enough to excite them at this wavelength. Moreover, 780 nm is an excellent wavelength to excite NADH. Fiber laser systems therefore make almost ideal multiphoton metabolic FLIM systems.


Selected Specifications


Fast galvo-mirror laser-scanning excitation, non-descanned detection (NDD), and bh's multi-dimensional TCSPC FLIM technique


fs pulsed laser, free-beam or fiber coupled

Scan Rate, Pixel dwell Time

Down to approx. 1 μs/pixel

General Operation Modes


  • 2 (multi-) spectral or polarisation channels
  • Time-series, Z-Stack, mosaic (x,y, z, temporal)
  • Excitation-wavelength multiplexed
  • FLITS (fluorescence lifetime-transient scanning)
  • PLIM (phosphorescence lifetime imaging) simultaneously with FLIM,
  • Photon correlation: FCS, FCCS, gated FCS
  • single-point fluorescence and phosphorescence decay

Scan Head

Optical Principle

Fast galvo-mirror laser-scanning excitation

Laser Inputs

Two independent inputs, fiber coupled or free-beam

Optical Laser Power Control

Continuous ND filter wheel control

Laser Input Requirements

Collimated free-beam, or fiber coupled with 12 mm diameter collimator. 1 to 2 mm beam diameter

Connection to Microscope

Adapter to left side port or port on top of microscope

Scan Control


Hardware controlled precision laser-scanning with fast flyback for rapid acquisition

Frame Size

Frame scan 16 x 16 to 4096 x 4096 pixels, line scan 16 to 4096 pixels

X Scan

Continuous or pixel-by-pixel,

Y Scan


Electrical Laser Power Control

Software control of a laser with analogue modulation input or control of a separate AOM.

Laser Multiplexing

Frame-, line-, pixel-, and intra-pixel. Requires software control of laser power.

Beam Blanking

During flyback and when scan is stopped. Requires software control of laser power.

Frame Rate / Scan Speed

Automatic selection of fastest rate or manual selection

Scan Area Definition

Interactive scan region selection, hardware zoom + offsets.

Fast Preview Function


Beam Park Function

Yes, interactive measurement point selection.

TCSPC System

TCSPC / FLIM Modules



Number of Parallel TCSPC / FLIM Channels

Typ. 2, max. 4

Typ. 2, max. 3

Electrical Time Resolution

1.6 ps RMS / 3.5 ps FWHM

16 ps RMS / <39 ps FWHM

Timing Precision /

1.1 ps

11 ps

Minimum Time Channel Width

405 fs

4 ps

Saturated Count Rate

12 MHz

40 MHz, shared among active channels.

Synchronisation with Laser Multiplexing

Up to 4 laser wavelengths

Recording of Multi-Wavelength Data

Simultaneous in 16 channels, via routing function

Experiment Trigger Function

TTL, used for Z-Stack FLIM and microscope-controlled time-series

Operation Modes of TCSPC System

  • Hardware pre-analysed imaging
  • Photon event stream (FIFO) imaging
  • Point measurements for correlation, long timescale intensity (MCS)
  • Mosaic imaging, time-series imaging multi-detector operation, laser multiplexing operation, cycle and repeat function, autosave function


Data Acquisition Software

bh SPCM, bh LabVIEW for integration of external devices

Scanner Control Software

Integrated in SPCM, bh LabVIEW for integration of external devices

Operation System

Windows 10 / 11 64 bit

Data Analysis Software

bh SPCImage NG

Principle of Data Analysis

MLE fit (GPU assisted processing)

Model of Functions

  • IRF convoluted single, double, or triple component exponential decay
  • Optional consideration of incomplete decay
  • Shifted component model

IRF Modelling

Synthetic IRF function fit to decay data, auto-extraction of IRF from data, or measured IRF

Excitation Sources

Multiphoton FLIM

Free-beam or fiber coupled femtosecond pulsed lasers, single wavelength or tuneable


Confocal FLIM, one additional BDS-SM ps diode laser can be coupled in the system.


NDD Detectors

Coupled directly to back port of microscope


Confocal detectors, coupled directly to scan head

Standard Detector

HPM-100-40 hybrid detector with GaAsP cathode, 250 to 720 nm, best for use with ns lifetime dyes


HPM-100-06 detector with <20 ps FWHM IRF width, 220 to 650 nm, best for ps lifetime autofluorescence studies


HPM-100-50 detector, 400 to 900 nm, best for long wavelength fluorescence


MW-FLIM GaAsP multiwavelength detector



The bh TCSPC Handbook
10th edition, September 2023


The realm of the bh FLIM systems is in molecular imaging. Typical applications are the imaging of ion concentrations, pH, or local viscosity, protein interaction experiments by FRET, and metabolic imaging by fluorescence decay of NADH an FAD in combination with oxygen measurement. In these applications, the bh FLIM systems benefit from their high sensitivity, high time resolution, high timing stability, and their capability to resolve multi-exponential-decay profiles into their components. Other advantages are the capability to record FLIM of fast physiological effects down to the millisecond range, and to record at several excitation and emission wavelengths simultaneously.


Multiphoton Excitation

Multiphoton excitation uses two or more photons of the excitation light to excite one fluorescence photon, see figure below, left. To get the process working at noticeable efficiency extremely high power density, both in space and in time, is required. Both are achieved by using femtosecond pulses and focussing through a high-NA microscope objective lens, see below, right. With a pulse duration of 100 fs, a repetition rate of 80 MHz, and focusing through a lens of NA = 1.3, no more than 5 mW are required to obtain bright fluorescence of most fluorescent dyes used in microscopy. In most instances 'multiphoton' excitation is performed by using just two photons. To obtain fluorescence in the visible region the laser wavelength must then be in the near-infrared (NIR) region. Ti:Sa lasers, OPOs, and femtosecond fibre lasers can be used to generate the required excitation wavelength.

Multiphoton excitation has a number of advantages over one-photon excitation.
First, the absorption of the sample at the excitation wavelength is low. Also the scattering coefficient is lower than at visible or ultraviolet wavelengths. Two-photon (or, in the general case, multiphoton) excitation therefore goes deeper into tissue than one-photon excitation, see figure below, left and right. Multiphoton excitation can therefore be used to excite fluorescence in deep layers of biological tissue.

Second, the excitation is confined to the focal volume, where the power density is high. In a scanning system, this automatically implies that the excitation is confined to the focal plane. That means no confocal pinhole is needed to reject light from outside the focal plane. Multiphoton excitation intrinsically provides out-of-focus suppression and, consequently, optical-sectioning capability.
The fact that no fluorescence is excited outside the focal plane leads to the third advantage of multiphoton excitation, and this is detection of light scattered inside the sample. Visible light from a deep focal plane is massively scattered on its way out of the sample, see figure below, left. This light cannot be collimated, and, consequently, not focused into a confocal pinhole. However, there is no need to feed the light back through the scanner and through a pinhole. Instead, it can be diverted immediately behind the microscope lens and sent to a detector. By projecting an image of the microscope lens (not of the image plane in the sample) a large part of the scattered photons is transferred to the detector. The principle is called non-descanned detection, see figure below, right.

In combination with the bh TCSPC FLIM systems a fourth advantage is the extremely high time resolution. The excitation pulses have femtosecond pulse width. The instrument-response function (IRF) of the FLIM system is therefore not broadened by the excitation pulses. With fast hybrid detectors, IRF widths down to 20 ps (FWHM) are reached. The capability to directly record ultra-fast fluorescence decay phenomena opens a entirely new world of FLIM applications. Please see application notes about ultra-fast decay in mushroom spores and in pollen grains, and its measurement in the sub-10-ps range.

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